Monday, April 27

Tim and Kristina Wells Wedding

It was a real privilege getting to know Tim & Kristina, their love for one another is true and rare. Just being around them really made me want to be a better person. They bring a level of peace to everyone they encounter! The pictures from their day are my favorites to date. I wish them the best in love and life, and New Zealand!

I'll upload more at a later date. I'm in LA for the week and this computer is not my friend :) There's a lot more work to come...I've been photographing everyday since Friday! I'm missing my fast computer and light room right now! :)

Friday, April 17

nicks 24th birthday

My boyfriend just turned 24 today! er yesterday 2 hours ago...we had a little grill out with his infamous beer soaked brauts yesterday at a neat little nook of a park tucked in between a mountain and a beach! it blocked the wind nicely but the party still managed to find is way back to his apartment in the shelter of 4 walls and blankets :) We've learned this week with the "high winds" that not only is Santa Barbara a wimp because all the power was out...but so our its people! we're so used to perfect weather the wind blows too hard one day and we loose all power and retreat to the indoors! any's some detail pictures of his day....when our friends got there...the camera got shuved in a bag and i was too busy socializing :( i think i have one bad picture of the actual birthday boy! sorry nick!



