Sunday, January 3

Dave + Kate

My dear friend Katie has finally found the love of her life :) and what a wonderful couple they are! i had the honor and privilege of photographing their engagement's proof that we had a lot of fun, and they're an adorable couple! :)

Wednesday, December 30

Tuesday, October 27


I've had the pure pleasure of being able to watch Madison grow, I photographed her at 1 month, 2 months, and now 3 months :) she's getting so big, and just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter...she did! :) it's fascinating how quickly babies grow, seems like Madison's been changing right in front of my lens.

Thursday, October 22


i've been eating a lot of apples...
and reading a lot of quotes...
and listening to a lot of Bon Iver :)

today i sat at my computer and sipped my coffee loudly! annoyingly loud so as to drown out the sound of my work yelling at me to edit!

Wednesday, October 21

the armors burden

a few pictures from the short story book i made about a princess who tries to rescue a knight...