Wednesday, October 21

beyond portraiture

I never made a decision to not blog, it just sorta got lost under the pile of things to do on my desk....

i will work on my faithfulness

I've been reading the life sucking Twilight series over the last 2 months....only moments ago I finished the four book series. The books are consuming to say the least.

I also just finished up my favorite class at Brooks so far, Beyond Potraiture with Joyce Wilson! She is a true inspiration and she awoke in me simultaneously the inner child and the inner artist. I feel liberated :)

here are some of my most recent pieces :)

There were many more pieces that i made this session but they were with film or need to be scanned in still! we played around with solarized prints, digital transfers, digital negatives, holgas processed in coffee! :) oil painted prints...we did lots of crazy fun stuff this session! :)

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