Saturday, March 28

Tara and Joe Moss : out door wedding assignment

Tara and Joe rock! They've been married for 3 months now, and they got back in their wedding attire to help me out with an assignment for school. The sun was hotter today then we we've all been used too; we were drained. Yawning and in Joe's case sneezing the whole time. But as bad as we all wanted to just crawl back into bed we couldn't help but have a great time! we laughed so hard we cried! and then we ate a big dinner at some Italian restaurant in the sticks where they only accepted Cash or check! I had to remember how to write a check its been so long! Here's a peak at what we did today! Thanks again guys, you rock! :) Thanks for being pretty! :)





Thursday, March 26

dress up with my Dad

My dad's such a sport, i wanted to try out a painting technique on my photo's and i commissioned my dad and brittany and brooke to model for me :) Thanks guys! These were taken a few months ago but i never got around to doing what i wanted to with them till this morning!





random memories....

Blake took this photo of me today while i was assisting his out door bridal shoot...i was just playing around. looking at it brought back all these memories from my random as they are...i'll share some :) they may shed some light into the character you see in the picture below...and maybe provide some insights, reasons, explinations...or rather excuses as to why i am, like i am....they're pretty funny mental pictures...don't feel bad if you laugh. :)


My grandma used to dip my head under the water faucet when SHE was hot.

She would water the avocado tree and call me “Mrs. Jones“. I would talk as “Mrs. Jones” about my many children and all the chores that I had lined up for my “husband” to do when he got home.

Me and my cosins would dress up in her clothes and talk with hill billy accents and say things like “I’ma gonner go warsh the dishes ,Henry”
She would take pictures of us.

I started to direct shows. I would round up my cosins stuff them in my grandma’s clothes and we would get video taped and photographed.

I lived for the fame.

I lived in a make believe world.

Until I graduated from high school.

I used to get a quarter for using manors at the dinner table, I thought it would be a good way to make money…I didn’t make much money, and I would loose quarters on spaghetti night.

My favorite toys as a kid were scotch tape and scissors.

My grandma would put curlers in my great grandma’s hair and I would sit at the table and cut papers and scotch tape them back together, while my brother played with my grandma’s arm fat.

When we were at my mom’s house my Nana would sit at the stove (she is in a wheel chair) and cook her hot dogs on a fork before she wrapped them in a tortilla and ate them with mustard.

My Uncle Gary sang Mariah Carey at the top of his longs in his bed room.

My nana’s dog PJ died after she gave him a bath. He went outside pee’d on a tree and then died.

My mom would pluck my eye brows in the car while we waited for my brother to get out of detention. She picked at us kids like she was our gorilla mommy and we all had ticks.

Wednesday, March 25

Bella Boo Chum Chum

presenting my Mom's Christmas present, Bella Boo Chum Chum. This is her first professional puppy portrait. She has my heart!


Jake's swim meet

This is my little brother Jake, well he's not so little anymore. He towers over me and he doesn't drink from his Barney sippy cup anymore. These pics are taken by a proud sissy! ;) GO JAKE!!!








Tuesday, March 24

Friday, March 20

a pearl...i almost threw away!!

I just updated my maternity link on my web page. I was going through old files of past maternity sessions that i've shot to re-edit the good stuff and i came across this image that i had tossed to the wayside....and almost threw away!!!! I'm so glad i found it, i'm in love with it now...thank you Abbie Lopez. what the coolest part is.....I just went to a lecture given by Joyce Tenneson at Victoria Hall and had my book signed by her, and this photo totally resembles her work! yay!

abbie lopez

my latest PS craze...

so for the longest time...(3years now) when i first saw an image with this done to it, i loved it and wanted to do it! Unfortunately my brain at that time wasn't ready for it. too much involved and i didn't know my way around Photo Shop to even get the image opened let alone find the gradient tool and work in quick mask mode. I was watching Watchmen for the second time and i remembered this technique, I texted my good friend Mike and he linked me to the tutorial on how to do it! and i did it!! And it has no official name so that's why i keep calling it "it" the only way to describe "it" would be to show you. :) so i played around with some old images i've taken from the past few months or years...enjoy :) oh before i forget, Thank you so much Rhonda for the tips and websites! I'll be pimping this blog in no time :)

I feel in love with this couple while in New York out side the Metropolitan Museum of Art this New Years with My Best friend Lizard :)
These were both taken inside the MET. I think the one above shows this technique the best :)

These go way back to 2005 when I went to Chicago and visited the above mentioned Mike.

Thursday, March 19

my boyfriend.

This is Nick. :) we went to a leprechaun parade in Ventura sometime last weekend. he took his geeky bronicha camera. i secretly think its hot even though i tease him for it :)

I am addicted to productivity...

It is 4:29 AM. I am by no stretch of the imagination a morning person, but i am up at 4am! I haven't been able to get to sleep at a "normal" hour since i got my new computer. I feel like I can get things accomplished now. Its fun again! I want to edit, I want to work on my web site, I want to re-design my blog...speaking of which do you like my new design? i know nothing about blogger or how to make it pretty...i wish i knew more html. any suggestions on how to pimp out my blog, feel free to share :)

Tim Halberg (because i don't know how to hyperlink on blogger spoke at school tonight, he was such an inspiration and so thourough on the wedding photography industry. I'm up late partly also because I'm inspired and I can't wait to shoot again! :)

I just made an engagement guest book

check it out :)
a love story and gu...
By Dana Erickson

Sunday, March 15

my coffee maker frusterates me!

I got bored tonight watching my coffee maker





UGH! when was it gonna be done? i totally wanted it right then!!

my patience sucks!

patience today isn't what it used to be...

I can fly across the nation in 6 hours.

I don't have to plan ahead to mail in my bills i can do it last minute on line.

I get my emails on my phone

I instantly know what most of my friends are doing when they're doing it even if they're far away....

It's so weird to think that the telephone, internet, all this INSTANT stuff is alot newer to's making like easy...and taking our patience for food.

I know I'm not very good at waiting for things...i cry when my plane has more than one layover....i would have died on the Oregon trail!

i feel like its my culture that made me that way

everything is getting faster and more accessible.

i haven't really thought about it, took it all as a benefit really.

and now all this INSTANT DEMANDING is some how IN me...when i want something i generally want it now!

most of my friends are like this too...

what are the long term side-effects of getting everything we want when we want it?

should i make myself wait for something. should i teach myself how to save?

i wonder if my lack of ability to Save and wait directly effect the depth of which i am able to savor and really appreciate and enjoy things that make me coffee, or a hand written letter

Friday, March 13

Ron & Serina

I hung out with Uncle Gary and his Best friend Serina and her fiance Ron this weekend! Consequently somewhere between the 405 and the 101 a cold caught me and has been trying to kill me ever since. The cold kidnapped my boyfriend Nick too, we've been fighting this vicious cold together for almost a week now! I can't even believe its Friday!! I've slept 13 hours of every day and the other 11 hours I've just been miserable. I'm a grade A whiner! I think it's starting to work, today I'm finally starting to feel better and even though I know its 2am and i should be in body is reminding me that i've slept enough for the month already! Needless to say I'm a bit behind in my work, i've finished 5 clients orders and have 2 more to go! Any way, back to Ron and Serina...i wanted to post these two photo's, my favorite of the day! These two have so much contageous joy wrapped up in them! Just being around them made me smile! They laugh on cue, a real laugh too straight from Rons belly! I wish them both the best in life, and safe travels to there destination wedding in MAUI!!!