Sunday, March 15

my coffee maker frusterates me!

I got bored tonight watching my coffee maker





UGH! when was it gonna be done? i totally wanted it right then!!

my patience sucks!

patience today isn't what it used to be...

I can fly across the nation in 6 hours.

I don't have to plan ahead to mail in my bills i can do it last minute on line.

I get my emails on my phone

I instantly know what most of my friends are doing when they're doing it even if they're far away....

It's so weird to think that the telephone, internet, all this INSTANT stuff is alot newer to's making like easy...and taking our patience for food.

I know I'm not very good at waiting for things...i cry when my plane has more than one layover....i would have died on the Oregon trail!

i feel like its my culture that made me that way

everything is getting faster and more accessible.

i haven't really thought about it, took it all as a benefit really.

and now all this INSTANT DEMANDING is some how IN me...when i want something i generally want it now!

most of my friends are like this too...

what are the long term side-effects of getting everything we want when we want it?

should i make myself wait for something. should i teach myself how to save?

i wonder if my lack of ability to Save and wait directly effect the depth of which i am able to savor and really appreciate and enjoy things that make me coffee, or a hand written letter

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