Thursday, March 19

I am addicted to productivity...

It is 4:29 AM. I am by no stretch of the imagination a morning person, but i am up at 4am! I haven't been able to get to sleep at a "normal" hour since i got my new computer. I feel like I can get things accomplished now. Its fun again! I want to edit, I want to work on my web site, I want to re-design my blog...speaking of which do you like my new design? i know nothing about blogger or how to make it pretty...i wish i knew more html. any suggestions on how to pimp out my blog, feel free to share :)

Tim Halberg (because i don't know how to hyperlink on blogger spoke at school tonight, he was such an inspiration and so thourough on the wedding photography industry. I'm up late partly also because I'm inspired and I can't wait to shoot again! :)


onekiel said...

: )

Rhonda said...

hey Dana,
There are a couple of really good sites with easy to follow guides and tutorials about customizing your blog.
My favorite is

Specifically, this document:

Another helpful tutorial is:

And as for adding a hyperlink, there is a button on your blogger create page (it looks like a world with a clip on it and if you scroll over it it will say link). It is easiest to do this on the compose page (not the html page).
Just highlight the word you want to link, click on the hyperlink button, paste the URL you want it to link to, click OK and you are linked!

Rhonda said...

By the way, I DO like what you have done already.
Yay for new computers!